Latest trends in Cloud Adoption

The move to the cloud is happening in organizations large and small.

The explosion in use of cloud services is continuing according to the latest research from the Cloud Industry Forum, a body dedicated to supporting cloud providers. In June 2014, 250 senior IT and business decision-makers took part in a poll conducted by Vanson Bourne to understand their use of cloud services and the impact on their business strategies.

What does the survey reveal?  We’ve summarized their key findings:

Infographic: Growth of the Cloud

So how can your business make the transition to the cloud without losing your bearings or negatively impacting your operations?  Brush Mountain Data Center’s FLxCloud services bring you the benefits of “cloud compute on demand” with local advice and expertise from the staff at Advanced Logic Industries.

Be sure to check out our upcoming half day workshop “Migrating to the Cloud: Strategies for Success” on October 30th.  Workshop details and registration




